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BOOSTERS | Jacobson Culinary Academy


The Jacobson Culinary Academy Boosters

The Boosters Role

The Jacobson Culinary Academy Boosters are comprised entirely of volunteer members enthusiastically supporting the culinary program and its students. Volunteering is an important component of what keeps the JCAA program successful and we always need parents and family members who have a willingness to help with events and extracurricular student functions. Without our amazing volunteers, we simply would not be able to provide the financial aid and support for the many events the program participates in.

There are many exciting and fulfilling volunteer opportunities for parents and other family members to be involved in our program. We want you! If you are interested in helping then drop us a line using the CONTACT form and tell us you’d like to volunteer! Here are some helpful links to get started with getting your volunteer status established with PCSB.

Volunteer Registration Procedures

Get Approved To Volunteer

Log Your Volunteer Hours 

2023-2024 JCAA Booster Contacts

You can reach the boosters by sending an email to

Theresa Badurek – President

Volunteer Needed– Vice President

Pamela Foster – Secretary

Deb Young – Treasurer

Volunteer Needed – Social Media Coordinator

Volunteer NeededVolunteer Coordinator

Deb Young – Luncheons